Our Story

Lumini Dog is a functional and purposeful grooming product. 

We are not a corporation or industry-giant, forced to appease shareholders or act in the interest of profits. We are a small enterprise, focusing on making products solely in the interest of our dogos and their hoomans. 

I was first introduced to essential oils many years ago at a yoga class and I was instantly hooked. I dove into the studies of essential oils and became certified in Aromatherapy.

About the same time, I brought home a shaggy shy puppy from the local shelter and named him Benji. He had many nutritional deficiencies and his skin and coat reflected this. I changed his diet and he started running with me. He loved it so much, the following years he ran 5 miles every day and even two 13.5 mile-runs for a half-marathon!

Next, I needed to address his skin and coat. I scoured the internet for a good shampoo, conditioner and an effective skin and coat revitalizer. I could not find one that was up to my personal standards- safe for both me and Benji- without any toxins, synthetics or unnecessary fillers :(

Unfortunately, today's dog grooming market is saturated with products containing incredibly toxic ingredients which not only accumulate in your pet's organs and tissues, but are also highly detrimental to the one applying it (YOU) ! 

Out of frustration and necessity, I dove again into research, focusing on plants' chemistry alongside historical safety data for topical use. Countless blending trials later, Lumini Dog came to be. Not only did Benji's skin and fur improve greatly, but his vibrant personality emerged and his shyness completely melted away! I attribute this to the healing properties of plants and their amazing inherited intelligence, capable of harmonizing internal imbalances.

I want to share this holistic blend alongside a modern holistic approach to skin and fur care with all pet parents who truly care about their dogs' wellness inside and out.

The act of petting fulfills the essential need all dogs and humans share - the need for connectivity and bonding. In every grooming/massage, you reveal your most authentic and altruistic expression towards another sentient being and this is bliss.


 Marisa Shah (Founder) & Benji Shah (Co-Founder)